The six member Alamos Fire Department delegation, including the Alamos Fire Chief, spent an exceptional week (April 9-16, 2023) receiving an orientation and extensive training with the Scottsdale Fire Department. We housed them, providing breakfast and SSCA members did a creative job of hosting dinners for the delegation during their stay. Scottsdale Fire presented a very complete schedule, including exchanges of fire fighting and paramedic techniques, discussing public information programs, which were beneficial to both fire departments.
The Mexican delegation requested the opportunity to hike to the Granite Mountain Hot Shots Memorial near Yarnell, AZ. We hike up and over the hill into the valley below, where the memorial is located. They left Alamos Fire and Mexican flag patches in the memorial to honor the hotshot’s sacrifice. Quite often the Alamos department finds themselves in wildfire situations in the outlying remote parts of Alamos. See photo below.