Get involved
Fry's Community Rewards
Scottsdale Sister Cities is now part of Fry's Community Rewards Program. This means you can support our mission every time you shop at Fry's--at no added cost to you. Fry's will donate annually to SSCA based on your percentage of spending.
BUT, you must link your Shopper's Card to SSCA within Fry's Website. Find the simple process using the button below.

Alamos Garden Tool Drive to Eradicate Dengue Fever
Scottsdale Sister Cities Committee of Alamos, Sonora, Mexico is looking for new or used garden tools to help clear areas where mosquitoes breed. Rakes, hoes, spades, even chain saws are needed. Please contact Bob Rink at Bob@bobrinkphoto.com.
Please consider making a Tax Credit contribution.
For many years Scottsdale Sister Cities members have been generous in making Arizona Tax Credit contributions to our high schools to support our youth ambassadors as they represent Scottsdale in our exchanges to several of to our sister cities.
COVID 19 disrupted our student exchanges for three years. However, our programs for our students continue. Additionally, all the schools need funds to support student programs not funded by taxes or the state. So there is still need for your AZ Tax Credit donations.
Would you graciously consider once again making a tax credit contribution to one of our schools this year? As always your tax credit contribution will cost you nothing if you pay Arizona State income taxes. Your payment will be returned to you in full as a reduction in your state income taxes for the year.
You can make a contribution to the high school of your choice:
Arcadia, Chaparral, Coronado, Desert Mountain or Saguaro
You can designate your contribution to help the:
a. International Club (currently active at Arcadia, Desert Mountain, and Coronado)
b. A specific trip, such as the Swiss trip 2024 or Marrakech trip 2025
You can make a contribution one of two ways:
1. On-line with your credit or debit card at: https://az-scottsdale-lite.intouchreceipting.com/
2. By check made payable to the school of your choice and sent to that school's Book Store Manager.
Please consider making a tax credit contribution this year.
Select a school. Click the link below to get form.
Select how you wish your contribution to be made using the form below.
Provide your name, address, and amount of contribution
Mail a check to the school or go on line with a credit/debit card.
Please note: SSCA donations cannot be used for tax credits. You need to donate to a specific school.
Click below on the school of your choice to access the form to complete:
Thank you for your consideration of supporting our youth.
Thank you for considering donating to Scottsdale Sister Cities Association.
Your donations will help us to promote the City of Scottsdale as ambassadors of international friendship and goodwill. This is accomplished through programs such as student exchanges to and from sister cities, educational sharing, cultural experiences in each sister city, and economic development such as setting up medical facilities, helping to create access to water, and as different needs arise, as was seen, sending shoes to needy children, thereby creating lasting international partnerships.
Become a Member
You can also support us by becoming a member of our Association.